Test ads 03/04/2017

Hostel life Agony... India

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You know why Indian are very disciplined about their food times....

Hehehe, well there is a funny reason behind it. 

*In this image: Matar: means: Green Peas. 
*Paneer: cottage cheese 
*Matar Paneer: Indian cuisine 


You learn to eat dinner on time in a hostel,
Because there will be matar paneer at 8PM,
Only matar 9 pm,
and Just gravy at 10 PM... :D :D :D

Here is one more joke a bit naughty one.


[Undoes GFs bra first time]
She: "wow have you been practicing?"
me: Dont be rediculous.... [Me and dog exchange glances]... :D:D:D:D:D

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